What is the Proper Name for the Land Occupied by Israel, Jordan, and Other Nations in the Middle East?
November 16th, 2009
Palestine in the Ancient World
In my discussion of first century Christianity I included a section on the conflict between
Palestinian and Hellenized Jews as recorded in Luke's New Testament Acts. I have had someone ask me a question
regarding my use of "Palestinian" Jew, suggesting that the term "Palestine" was not biblical.
This person had found information online that stated in part:
This comes from the Zola Levitt Web site
and is written by a Thomas S. McCall, Th.D.
Dr. McCall goes on to say, "It appears that Bible-believing Christians have either knowingly or unwittingly
followed the world, pagans and haters of Israel in calling Israel by the anti-Israel term Palestine."
Dr. McCall is correct when he states that the term "Palestine" does not appear in the New Testament, thus
it is not a "biblical" term. It is, however, an "historical" term referring to the region that included
Judea, Samaria, Galilee, and other smaller territories (ancient writers are cited below). McCall goes on,
This might be true. I have not looked into this exact claim, but I do want to challenge the overall
tone that "Palestine" was somehow never used until Hadrian and that using the term is equal to being a
"hater" of Israel (I will be sending this response to Zola Levitt and to Dr. McCall).
Palestine Used by Ancient Writers
Several ancient Greek writers use the term "Palestine," [Palaistinh, Palaistine]
referring to the broad region which included Judea. Aristotle, Herodotus, Philo the Jew, and Plutarch all use this
The citation from Aristotle is very interesting - he is describing what he has heard about what we call the
Dead Sea,
This is a clear example of using the term in a broad sense that includes Israel. Herodotus, speaking of circumcision, gives us an interesting text in Euterpe that includes Syria in Palestine,
Philo is an interesting source since he was a contemporary of Jesus and a Jew. Speaking of the Essenes,
Philo is also interesting because he represents the Hellenized Jews - Greek Jews scattered around the Roman Empire,
unable to worship according to the Laws of Moses. Philo lived in Alexandria, Egypt with around 1 million Jews, the
largest Jewish population around Palestine. Notice that he refers to "Palestine" as a region that includes the
It is clear from these citations that the term "Palestine" was used to refer to the region in broad terms,
including Judea. McCall is mistaken when he claims that this term was not used until Hadrian. He says this in another
Zola Levitt letter, "it should be recognized that the term ["Palestine"] was never used in the New Testament,
and that it was coined much later by the anti-Christian and anti-Jewish pagan Emperor Hadrian."
Palestine in Bible Maps
One of McCall's points is that most maps used in Christian Bibles follow this inaccurate usage of "Palestine,"
As I have already alluded to, the problem with this position is that "Palestine" includes many territories other than Israel. I am looking at Map 10 in my copy of The New Oxford Annotated Bible with The Apocrypha - this map includes Syria, Galilee, and Samaria. Map 11 is the same. Are we supposed to only have Israel on these maps, or are we to name the map "Israel during the time of Herod" and include these other territories, thus doing to Syria what McCall claims is being done to Israel? This, of course, is absurd.
I learned during my time of doing research in the UK that the Brits (from Britannia, the Roman name for the territory that included what is now Scotland, or Caledonia) are typically far more historically accurate than most when it comes to the Graeco-Roman world. They were, after all, part of that kingdom. When the Oxford Bible uses "Palestine" I am confident that it derives more from an historical perspective than from a political one.
Israel Haters
I am more bothered by the assertion that "Bible-believing Christians have either knowingly or unwittingly followed the world,
pagans and haters of Israel in calling Israel by the anti-Israel term Palestine."
So I am now being lumped together with those who are following Israel hating because I refer to the
land of Israel and it's surrounding territories as "Palestine?"
This is offensive on many levels, but as an historian I am supposed to represent history as...well, history. I know there
are those who misrepresent history to promote their particular social, political, or theological viewpoint, but it is not
something a good scholar does. I hope and pray that I would not follow this methodology of poor scholarship.
I am certainly NOT a hater of Israel.
In fact, I probably agree with Zola Levitt's position most of the time.
What I am is first, a Christian. Secondly, an historian. When I first read the content forwarded to me
I had no idea where it had come from, except that it was a pro-Israel source. What I did know was that the source was
not being objective enough to qualify as good scholarship. I would ask Dr. McCall to lay aside his pro-Israel position
long enough to view this evidence from an historical perspective.
Using "Palestine" to refer to the Judean region in the ancient world is NOT Israel hating. It is the proper way to refer
to an historical concept - the way it was used by the historical subjects being discussed.
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James Just brother of Jesus in the Bible
1st Century Christian Church Struggles
Christian History - conversion Apostle Paul
Palestine - Philo, Josephus, Strabo, Aristotle
Apollos NT Hebrews in Ancient Rome
Apollos NT Hebrews in the Bible
Wine in Bible Alcoholic?
James the Just and Jesus in the Bible
The Apostolic Fathers
Ignatius of Antioch - Barnabas
The Shepherd of Hermas - Polycarp
Gnostics and Gnosticism - Marcion
Justin Martyr - Ireneaus of Lyons
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Clement of Alexandria - Paidagogus-Stromateis
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Second Century Apologists
New Testament Canon - 3rd Century
Severan Persecution - Clement, Origen of Alexandria
Origenist Controversy - First Principles - De Principii
Roman Persecution under Decian
Cyprian of Carthage North Africa
New Testament Canon - 3rd Century
Emperor Valerian Persecution
De Lapsis, On the Lapsed by Cyprian
Diocletian Tetrarchy - Church Growth
The Great Persecution of the Church
Constantine Becomes the Emperor
4th Century Heretics - Donatus and Arius
Constantine's Conversion and Christian Faith
The Council of Nicea 325AD
The Nicene Creed - Homoousias and Orthodoxy
The New Nicene Orthodoxy and Conflict
The Death of Constantine - Julian the Apostate
Jovian - Valentinian I and Valens
Christianity Official Religion - Edict of Thessalonika
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