Lectures and Podcasts

How the New Testament Canon was Formed

The NT Canon, Part 1
- Common Misconceptions
- Early Church Fathers
- Oral Traditions
- Dating of NT documents

The NT Canon, Part 2
- Early Non-NT Writings-Dates
- Evidence from the Apologists
- The Earliest Listings
- Influence of Gnosticism

The NT Canon, Part 3
- Third Century Writers-Quotations of NT
- Fourth Century Developments
- Eusebius, Church History
- The "Bible" of Constantine
- What about the Apocrypha?
Apologies for the throat clearing...allergies.

Contemplative Prayer
These are three teachings of a seven part series I taught based on the Brother Lawrence classic, The Practice of the Presence of God.
For those not familiar with Brother Lawrence, I would highly encourage you to purchase this book at your local bookstore or go to Amazon. Most versions of this book are abridged, but the basic message will come through in any version. This is a profound work (making a difficult/complex topic simple). You can also read this brief biography of Lawrence's life.

The class included spending some time each night "practicing" God's presence. These were guided times of prayer and our "practice" time increased with each session.

Right click on "download" if you would like to save the mp3 file.
Introduction to Contemplative Prayer  (download)
The Struggle of Contemplative Prayer  (download)
Apophatic Theology and Prayer  (download)

This is a lecture on "Epistemology" I typically gave to my Intro to Philosophy Class. How do I "know" what I know? How can I be certain of what I "know?" Please keep in mind this is an Introduction class with mainly freshmen students.

This lecture is in two parts to keep the audio file from being too large:
Introduction to Epistemology and Uncertainty - Part I
Introduction to Epistemology and Uncertainty - Part II

Lectures on Ephesians

"Grace to You," a study in Ephesians
A six week series I taught at our church on Paul's letter to the Ephesians using the classic by Watchman Nee, "Sit, Walk, Stand."
Unfortunately, the first teaching (an introduction of Ephesians and Watchman Nee) was not recorded. If you are not familiar with Watchman Nee, please read a brief biography of his life. Many of his writings are now considered Christian classics, none more than "Sit, Walk, Stand." I recommend that every believer read this book.

Right click on "download" if you would like to save the mp3 file.
Introduction to Law and Grace  (download) See note below - open PDF file
[You might want to open this PDF file of slides to follow along for the Introduction.]
Ephesians Chapter 2, "Sit"  (download)
Ephesians Chapters 3-4  (download)
Ephesians Chapter 3-4, "Walk"  (download)
Ephesians Chapter 6, "Stand"  (download)